jueves, 6 de agosto de 2009

Mujeres Valientes – Mujeres Mártires 1

una mártir iraní torturada y violada salvajemente.


Taraneh Mousavi es la nueva Neda iraní.

Otra mártir de la revolución verde.

También joven, también mujer, también asesinada en los días posteriores a las elecciones del 12 de junio que han dado otros cuatro años de poder al presidente Mahmoud Ahmadineyad.

Taraneh compartía apellido con el líder opositor Mir-Husein Mousavi.

Tenía 28 años y fue arrestada el viernes 19 de junio, un día antes de la muerte de Neda en plena calle de Teherán.

La chica estaba en la puerta de su escuela de belleza cuando la detuvieron junto a otros 14 manifestantes.

Con los ojos vendados, los milicianos basij la llevaron a un centro de interrogación donde al parecer se ensañaron con ella más que con ninguno.

Sus hermosos ojos verdes, su moderno corte de pelo, el maquillaje, el pañuelo verde y los tacones eran un pasaporte casi seguro para la tortura en manos de los feroces guardianes de la revolución.

Su interrogatorio duró dos veces más que el del resto, que más tarde serían liberados.

A todos les permitieron contactar a sus familias excepto a Taraneh.

Previendo que algo terrible podría ocurrir, la chica dio el número de teléfono de sus padres a unas cuantas compañeras que los contactarían si llegaban a ser puestas en libertad.

Tres semanas después de su desaparición, los padres de Taraneh empezaron a comprender lo que le había pasado a su única hija.

Un testigo anónimo contó que la vio en la prisión de Evin.

Relató que había sufrido abusos físicos y psicológicos.

Que la torturaron y violaron salvajemente en grupo durante varios días.

Al parecer, Taraneh permaneció todo el tiempo en manos de los basij, no de la policía.

Ningún oficial llamó a sus progenitores.

La posibilidad de la violación se fue haciendo cada vez más real.

Sobre todo después de que otro anónimo le dijo a la familia que un par de días después del “incidente”, Taraneh ingresó en el hospital Imam Khomeini Hospital de Karaj con heridas en el ano y problemas en el útero.

Los padres nunca la encontraron en el hospital.

Allí no había ingresado nadie con ese nombre, aunque una enfermera les confirmó que una joven que respondía a la descripción de Taraneh había sido trasladada por milicianos basij en estado de coma, y se la llevaron en la misma situación dos horas después.

Finalmente, su familia fue informada hace unos días de que se había localizado su cuerpo quemado en el desierto, entre las ciudades de Karaj y Qazvin.

Su familia no puede hablar del caso.

Ni siquiera podrán enterrarla si los basij no les indican dónde queda su tumba.

La historia de Taraneh ha aparecido en Facebook y ha llegado hasta el Congreso de Estados Unidos de America, donde el congresista de Michigan Thaddeus McCotter ha mostrado la foto de la joven como ejemplo del estrepitoso fracaso del líder espiritual iraní Jamenei.



Taraneh Mousavi, 28, was among hundreds arrested on June 19th, 2009 in Iran's post-election aftermath. She was waiting outside her beauty school and she, along with a group of about 14 protestors were arrested, blindfolded and taken to a nearby "safehouse" a.k.a. interogation and torture center.

Friends have reported that the basijis were giving the woman a particularly hard time at this location and that Taraneh, who had beautiful green eyes, nice hairstyle and makeup and dressed in a green shawl and overcoat with high heels, had obviously grabbed their interest. Her interogation apparently took twice as long as the others who were subsquently released. When all other detainees were allowed to contact their families except her, she sensed there would be trouble and gave her parents number to a few of the girls there who in turn contacted her family after being released.

Apparently after 3 weeks of searching for her, her mother and father, who had desperately tried to have a child for years and were finally blessed with this one gift, began piecing together what might have happened to her. One anonymous witness who appears to have seen her at Evin prison, stated that she was physically and emotionally abused and tortured and repeatedly gang raped over a course of a few days. During this entire time, no contact was made with her parents. Other anonymous tips revealed that she was never turned over to the police and was still with the Basiji, which of course horrified her parents even further.

The probability the she had been gang raped increased when a couple of days later an unidentified person telephoned the family and said that after an "accident" Taraneh had been admitted to Imam Khomeini Hospital in Karaj because of tears in her womb and anus. However when they arrived at the hospital she was not registered and nowhere to be found. One of the nurses confirmed that an unconscious girl matching Taraneh's description had been brought in by plain clothes basiji forces and had been removed again after a couple of hours while still in a coma. This girl's particulars hadn't been entered in the hospital records.

She remained missing until a few days ago when her family was informed that her burned body was found in the desert between Karaj and Qazvin. The family has been threatened not to talk about their daughter’s arrest and fearing that they will never have a chance to properly bury their only child, or even know where her final burial site is, they are remaining quiet the best they can.

We ask you all... man or woman... to place yourself in the shoes of this woman. Men you have mothers and sisters... and daughters... imagine what she must have gone through for numerous days. The repeated rape, pain, humiliation and shame she must have felt. How badly she must have been beaten and raped that her her womb and anus were ruptured! .... sending her inevitably in a coma... one can never truly fathom what this woman went through unless they have been in a similar situation...but you can try to do so.

This woman was not shot with a single bullet...she was mistreated over the course of days...and she deserves for her story to be heard. She deserves to be treated with honor and dignity in the afterlife...one which she did not have during the last few days of her young life.

Please share her story with the world such that she will not have died in vain. May she rest in peace.

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El Hijo del Halcon Negro by Msc Ing Francisco Javier Gonzalez Rodriguez is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 3.0 Unported License.